Permissions within language words that can be set to account level or project level. Permission can be assigned to a individual user or a team/group users.
Account Permissions
Account permission provide access and ownership of the account and projects and supersede any project permission or lack of.
There are five account permissions;
- Account Member, this is assign to all users of the account and can not be removed, It provides the connection to the account.
- Admin provides full access and control to the account, apart from manage the account owner.
- Manage Project provides full access and control of projects, including creating, managing and removing project.
- Manage Team Member provides access to add and remove users to the account and projects.
- Owner - Full control of the account and projects (only the owner can resign account owership)

Account permissions can be found on a users profile under Accounts --> Users

Project Permission
Project permission provide access and control at a project level and may be assign to individual users or teams. Project Permission give finer control of user permission and should be used for the majority of users ether directly or indirectly by teams.
There are 14 permission project mission types;
- Admin - Full control of the project and allows all actions
- Build and download language files
- Manage Integrations - Manage Integrations for the project, including connection repositories and connectivity.
- Manage Keys - Add, change and delete project keys
- Manage Languages - Add, change setting and remove langauges
- Manage Project Team Members - Add, set permission and remove user from project
- Manage Settings
- Manage Tasks
- Manage Translation - Add and modify key values
- Manage ScreenShots - Add/Upload and remove screenshots
- Upload files - upload language files via the user interface
- View Activities - View Key histories and other changes to the project
- View Project - The most basic access to the project, can view but make no changes
- View Statistics - View project statistics and history

Project permissions can be found on a users profile under Accounts --> Users or Accounts --> Teams